Okai so as some of you already know, I went to Florida about a month ago. My mom, my cousin, and I stayed with Grandma...and let me just say....Granny is living good! She lives in this really upscale apartment complex in Ft Lauderdale. You can see the lake and the golf course from her patio. Plus, they have jacuzzis, pools, gyms, and tennis courts. The downside: 80% of the folks who live there are old as fuck.. Ahh good ass Florida.
<-The view from Grandma's House
I enjoyed my stay at Granny's house anyway. She's the Jamaican version of Madea so she kept us laughing. I also went to the Golden Carrol for the first time ever. That place is food heaven. I just found out they DO have that here in NY..But its all the way in wack ass Albany...WTF is it doing there?...Anywho....I also did a lot of swimming while at Granny's house. We went to the pool like everyday and we went to the beach. Twas' nice.

So the average day on the Cruise goes as follows:
9 am - Buffet Styled Breakfast
10 am - Get off the ship
In the Bahamas - [Swim, Eat, Shop]
4 pm - Get back on the ship
6 pm - Dinner at a fancy restaurant..or buffet (your choice)
7 pm - Get ready fo rthe night's events
8 pm - Comedy Show (drinking liquor starts here)
9 pm - Karaoke or Adult Quest Game Show (By this time we're buzzed)

The Cruise was only 3 days so the first day we didn't get off the ship. We boarded about 11 that morning and then walked around the ship for a bit. We had to do a Drill and put on our life vests and wait on the deck. It was hot as fuck and we had to be all huddled up with strangers but anything for safety!

After the safety routine we headed back to our room. It was 3 of us to a room, and the rooms were pretty small but it was all good cause those beds were comfy as hell =] Each room had 2 bed and a cute little couch that had a pull out bed...We took turns sleeping on it....[Note to self: Next time you go on a cruise, drop some serious bank for the Oceanview balcany suite] ...
The people who worked on the cruise were VERY nice and accommodating. One of the guys were telling us that they are on ships for 10 months out of the year..That fuckin sucks. Can you imagine having a family with that type of work schedule? ...And they work hard but don't get paid well.

Anyway the first day they had a Sa

The comedy shows were sooooo much fun! Those comedians were surprisingly hilarious...or maybe it was the drinks.. lol Either way it was great. Me and my cousins also did karaoke...It was my first time doin that in public ...We sang "Stop in the Name of Love" by the Supremes. -->[my cousin's choice of song] ...Right when it was time for us to go up and do our song, my mom and aunt walked in..."Lawd hammercy" lol ...They loved it though.
And when we weren't doing karaoke we were playing this Adult Quest Game Show..OMFG THAT WAS SOO MUCH FUN! That shit was getting wild though. lol Women flashing their tits... Men walking around the lounge with nothing but draws and lipstick on...and much more crazy antics. The object of the game was to show the host whatever he wanted to see and the group with the most points got a prize....So, for example he would say "I want to see a woman's G-string on a man's head"...and women would rush to take their panties off and put

The parties were a lot of fun too. The music was good...They played a lot of Michael Jackson, of course. Every time they played him the crowd went wild. We were all doing (or attempting to do) the thriller dance....Ahh Good times. And mannnn when they played that Fat Man Scoop / Black Sheep mix we went nuts. Then there was the toga party...(my first toga party ever)...There were workers at the door who would wrap you up in togas in all different styles. It was cool.
The Bahamas were really nice. We went on a tour of the island of Nassau. Twas' nice. It reminded me a lot of Jamaica so nothing really surprised me. We got to see where Anna Nicole was buried and the Bob Marley resort. The beach was really nice. I actually swam with fish! It was creepy at first but I got used to it. We went to Atlantis and saw the aquarium...That was nice...I have a bunch of videos of the fishes and stingrays. We also went to the "market"....Now that was chaotic. Reminded me of May Pen in Jamaica, Fordham Road in the Bronx, and Canal Street in Manhattan, but 5 times more crazy lol We were only at the market for 40 minutes and there were 2 crashes smh ...I didn't buy much in the Bahamas. And I didn't buy anything on the ship either. My plan was to save all my pocket money for when I returned to NY so I can go Shopping =D ....I did end up buying a couple key chains though...It actually surprised me how cheap stuff in the Bahamas were. Its wayyy more expensive in Jamaica. We got key chains, wooden flutes, shirts, all for a dollar each. And the best thing is that U.S. money has the same value as Bahamian money...Wait...that might not be a good thing lol
Anyway to wrap things up...I had the best time EVER!! And I cant wait to go on another cruise. Hopefully this time we won't run the room bill up to 500 bucks =]
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