Finally I have my new cam & mic =) ...Before you ask, no I wont be cohosting your blogtv show lol ...But not only did I get a cam, I also got a 2GB mirco sd card. Yessss! Now I can put a bunch of songs and videos on my phone. Yep, I'm happy. Now, back to writing my paper. XOXO
Oh and a lot of yall told me I should give that guy a chance.......hmmm.......I'll think about it <3
Monday, February 23, 2009
At Last!
Posted by Shy at 3:04 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Is It Fate?
I keep bumping into an old friend from high school. I always see him on the train, at a store, or at the movies. We always chat it up and reminisce on the old days. He asked me out when we were in the tenth grade but I turned him down....rudely =\ ...I always felt bad about it but I never apologized. Anywho, so he's been flirting a lot and I always just smile and look away. Now, some guys see this as flirting back but, let me tell you something, I was trying to hold in my laughter. He's a nice guy and but he's just not my type. He's more of a big brother type to me. Btw its not about his physical appearance either, he's rather quite cute but I just don't like him like that. I do find it weird that we keep meeting though. Maybe I should give him a chance =\ but I don't want to lol .....................AHH I'm so difficult. Its so rare that I find a guy that I like. The ones that I DO like are too far away .... Maybe I'm just too picky =\ ..... Ah well, I'ma just ride this out and see what happens =)
Posted by Shy at 5:28 PM 3 comments
Labels: fate
Thursday, February 19, 2009
To Shop or Not to Shop?
I just came up on some money and I'm thinking about what I should do with it. My ego is telling me to use it to pay tuition for summer classes but my id is yelling "Shopping spree !" ....I want to buy 2 pairs of Coach sneakers (even though I bought 3 pairs in January alone smh) and Macy*s is having a sale so I wanna go there too. I know school is more important and I should do the sensible thing BUT look at this way, if I go on a shopping spree I'm doing a great thing by stimulating the economy lol =) ....
Sidenote: If you didn't get my reference to the ego and the id .. Click Me
Posted by Shy at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Posted by Shy at 10:36 AM 6 comments
Labels: ihop, mom, nasty food
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Anecdote: Kids These Days
I'm babysitting two of my little cousins and they give me some insight to what kids are thinking these days. I'm not going to put their real names on here so lets call them Travis and Tiara. So we're in the car on our way home from eating breakfast at nasty ass IHOP (I'll speak more on this "restaurant" later) and little Tiara plays Chris Brown on her cellphone. Keep in mind that Tiara is 11 and Travis is 12. So Travis says "Why are you playing that woman beater on your phone?" ....Little Tiara loudly says, in the most ghetto-est form of speech, "I love Chris Brown! I'm glad he beat up Rihanna. I cant stand her. She ugly!" ....As shame takes over my face Travis yells, "How can you say that? No man should hit a girl"...That boy got some sense yall. So the conversation goes on and I try my hardest to not say anything and just listen to what the little rascals think. At the same time though, its hard for me to sit quiet and not correct the ignorance coming out of Tiara's mouth. Then they get to talking about Beyonce. "Beyonce's fine" says Travis. Tiara quickly retorts,"Beyonce mad old. Shes like 45." I chuckled. "I don't know what Jay-Z sees in her", she continues. "Only good thing about Jay-Z is that he's gonna own the Nets in a few years and get Lebron James on that team." says little Travis...I have no idea if that's really true. I know nothing of sports. "I would only marry Jay-Z for his money then leave him cause he mad ugly too," Tiara says.
Now, Travis is a smart kid. He is well-mannered and does very good in school. - (a private school at that) .... But little Tiara has a weak upbringing. Her mom is a straight up BIRD. I mean the type of chick that has a man's name tatted on her breast (she really does , actually) ...Probably has an "insert here" tattoo on her ass but her tattoos arent the point. Tiara's aunt is two years older than her. Her grandmother is only in her late forties and they all live together. Tiara doesn't have any good role models in her home so she turns to those she sees on television. I'm not talking about a good role model like Raven Symone either. Tiara idolizes Ciara, Lady GaGa, and the Pussycat Dolls. She talks openly about how she has stolen 50 dollars from her teacher. She's my cousin and I feel like shes on a bad path but I also don't know what to do about it. I mean I could take her under my wing but I think shes wayyy too far gone for that. She has serious behavioral issues and I don't have the patience for it. Id beat the shit out of her in a hurry but that's not what she needs. That little girl needs love.
Leave a comment and tell me what you think I should do.
Now, Travis is a smart kid. He is well-mannered and does very good in school. - (a private school at that) .... But little Tiara has a weak upbringing. Her mom is a straight up BIRD. I mean the type of chick that has a man's name tatted on her breast (she really does , actually) ...Probably has an "insert here" tattoo on her ass but her tattoos arent the point. Tiara's aunt is two years older than her. Her grandmother is only in her late forties and they all live together. Tiara doesn't have any good role models in her home so she turns to those she sees on television. I'm not talking about a good role model like Raven Symone either. Tiara idolizes Ciara, Lady GaGa, and the Pussycat Dolls. She talks openly about how she has stolen 50 dollars from her teacher. She's my cousin and I feel like shes on a bad path but I also don't know what to do about it. I mean I could take her under my wing but I think shes wayyy too far gone for that. She has serious behavioral issues and I don't have the patience for it. Id beat the shit out of her in a hurry but that's not what she needs. That little girl needs love.
Leave a comment and tell me what you think I should do.
Posted by Shy at 7:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Bitchassness Everywhere !
Lately some of the hip hop guys have been showing their queen sides by displaying bitch ass behavior ! 50 Cent , Soulja Boy , Bow Wow , Chris Brown, Diddy and lets just throw Kanye in there...yall a bunch of bitch ass men ! Here's my rant:
My Open Letter to 50 Cent: Ugh where do I start. I never liked your ass. When everyone was bumping their heads to Wanksta I was wondering to myself who is this silver back gorilla with a speech impediment. Still though, I gave you a chance. I listened to your entire album (the bootleg of course) and I liked some of the songs but I just still couldn't stand you. Fast forward a couple of years. You went at one of my favorite rappers: Jadakiss. Now Jada could have easily ripped you apart but was strongly advised not to. That made me even more mad. Jada would kill you in any form...freestyle or written...but Jada was left looking like a bitch. At that point I hated you're ass even more. FF to present day. Now you're going at Rick Ross. I don't give two shits about grizzly bear Ross but I cant help but think that your antics are just NOT funny. Hopefully you get what your ass deserves. Bullet Bullet! =) ... sorry that's the Jamaican part of me talking.
Soulja Boy - Um...I don't need to write a whole paragraph on WHY he's a bitch. I think its quite evident.
My Open Letter to Bow Wow - Poor Bow Wow. Going through a little identit
y crisis there aren't ya buddy? I know you want people to see you as a grown man but I cant get the image of you with your little braids "rapping" -- "Hair nappy but I'm happy, pockets full of dough" .... smh Doing sex scenes aren't going to shake me of that image Bow Wow. That just makes me think you are trying wayyy too hard to prove yourself. You'll always be a lame little hot head.
My Open Letter to Chris Brown - Lawd Jebus (not a typo...I said JeBus) where do I begin. You're another one I couldn't stand from the beginning. You're only talent is that you can dance. [CB fans listen to the song Run It again. I dare you to tell me this dude can sing] .. Anywho you're just eye candy for these little teenage girls that don't know talent. Congratulations on that pal. Btw I hope you do jail time for assaulting Rihanna. Hopefully Big Dawg and Dirty Hammer from the state pen can help you get rid of that lisp. - [Sidenote: You know what they say about guys with lisps right? Um....You're gay. Google that] - Smh @ Chris' dad saying that true fans wouldn't leave him over a black eye...MA DUDE ARE U SERIOUS????........If you re a Chris Brown fan and you just refuse to leave his side I hope you realize that you are saying that its okay for a man to abuse a woman. Therefore, don't come-a-crying when your man Chris Brownie's yo ass (that's new slang for 'beat the shit out of you')
Kanye West - Gee Wiz. This guy is complaining yet again about yet another awards show. STFU already. Damnit...hasn't the loss of two people close to you given you some humility?...humbleness, perhaps?....Guess NOT. SMH

My Open Letter to Diddy -
You are a bitch for creating the term "bitchassness" as a ploy to label other men whom happen to have homosexual tendencies when it is you , in fact, that is the homosexual. Trying to devert the attention huh? You disgust me. You are legendary miss honey ! - [That means he has a long rap sheet of homosexual encounters] .. Now, don't get me wrong...I love the gays. I just cant stand you down low men who corrupt my little brothers into thinking wearing skinny jeans and pink scarves is fly while you sleep with women who have no gaydar and have them suck your dick after its been in a man' know where im going with that. You are a liar and a snake. One of these days you're gonna get whats coming to you too. Btw when are you gonna tell us about what REALLY happened the night Biggie died? Okay I'm done ranting. Just had to get that out. Btw 60% of the men in hip hop are a bunch of queens**. SMH @ that !!
Before I forget....Remember when Jay-Z's ex best friend from Marcy Projects blasted him? Said him and Jay got burned from fucking the same girl. Ahh so that's when you got herpes huh Jay? Then you passed that shit like its a blunt. I always wondered why Beyonce married you. You two always seem so distant from each other. Like yall don't care about one another. I remember seeing pictures of Beyonce walking two steps behind Jay on NUMEROUS occasions. I wish I would walk 2 steps behind a man. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE ! ...... So now you're stuck Beyonce. You're a pretty girl (not gorgeous...I've seen you up close in person) ...But how many rich, well established men would want a pretty girl who's a complete airhead with halitosis AND herpes? ... One: A camel known as Jay Z . . . . I hope you two are happy together =) ... I'm still a tad upset that he passed the herp onto my girl Rihanna though. Ugh. Look, I wouldn't have slept with him but Rihanna was desperate. She wanted money and fame and who else is gonna put you on the map like Jay Z can ? ... Hopefully you learned your lesson RiRi. Slow yo fast ass down ! _______________________________________________________________
Soulja Boy - Um...I don't need to write a whole paragraph on WHY he's a bitch. I think its quite evident.
My Open Letter to Bow Wow - Poor Bow Wow. Going through a little identit

My Open Letter to Chris Brown - Lawd Jebus (not a typo...I said JeBus) where do I begin. You're another one I couldn't stand from the beginning. You're only talent is that you can dance. [CB fans listen to the song Run It again. I dare you to tell me this dude can sing] .. Anywho you're just eye candy for these little teenage girls that don't know talent. Congratulations on that pal. Btw I hope you do jail time for assaulting Rihanna. Hopefully Big Dawg and Dirty Hammer from the state pen can help you get rid of that lisp. - [Sidenote: You know what they say about guys with lisps right? Um....You're gay. Google that] - Smh @ Chris' dad saying that true fans wouldn't leave him over a black eye...MA DUDE ARE U SERIOUS????........If you re a Chris Brown fan and you just refuse to leave his side I hope you realize that you are saying that its okay for a man to abuse a woman. Therefore, don't come-a-crying when your man Chris Brownie's yo ass (that's new slang for 'beat the shit out of you')
Kanye West - Gee Wiz. This guy is complaining yet again about yet another awards show. STFU already. Damnit...hasn't the loss of two people close to you given you some humility?...humbleness, perhaps?....Guess NOT. SMH

You are a bitch for creating the term "bitchassness" as a ploy to label other men whom happen to have homosexual tendencies when it is you , in fact, that is the homosexual. Trying to devert the attention huh? You disgust me. You are legendary miss honey ! - [That means he has a long rap sheet of homosexual encounters] .. Now, don't get me wrong...I love the gays. I just cant stand you down low men who corrupt my little brothers into thinking wearing skinny jeans and pink scarves is fly while you sleep with women who have no gaydar and have them suck your dick after its been in a man' know where im going with that. You are a liar and a snake. One of these days you're gonna get whats coming to you too. Btw when are you gonna tell us about what REALLY happened the night Biggie died? Okay I'm done ranting. Just had to get that out. Btw 60% of the men in hip hop are a bunch of queens**. SMH @ that !!
**I made that statistic up. but seriously...rock starts go harder than some of you punk ass rappers. ____________________________________________________________
Before I forget....Remember when Jay-Z's ex best friend from Marcy Projects blasted him? Said him and Jay got burned from fucking the same girl. Ahh so that's when you got herpes huh Jay? Then you passed that shit like its a blunt. I always wondered why Beyonce married you. You two always seem so distant from each other. Like yall don't care about one another. I remember seeing pictures of Beyonce walking two steps behind Jay on NUMEROUS occasions. I wish I would walk 2 steps behind a man. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE ! ...... So now you're stuck Beyonce. You're a pretty girl (not gorgeous...I've seen you up close in person) ...But how many rich, well established men would want a pretty girl who's a complete airhead with halitosis AND herpes? ... One: A camel known as Jay Z . . . . I hope you two are happy together =) ... I'm still a tad upset that he passed the herp onto my girl Rihanna though. Ugh. Look, I wouldn't have slept with him but Rihanna was desperate. She wanted money and fame and who else is gonna put you on the map like Jay Z can ? ... Hopefully you learned your lesson RiRi. Slow yo fast ass down ! _______________________________________________________________
Posted by Shy at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Labels: 50 Cent, Bow Wow, Chris Brown, GAY MEN IN HIP HOP, Rant, Rick Ross, Rihanna, Soulja Boy
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